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Computes model weights and a Bayes factor by comparing two groups of models based on their Information Criterion (IC) values. The function works with either numeric vectors or data frames containing multiple IC measures (e.g., MD, BPIC, DIC).


model_averaging(IC_for, IC_against)



A numeric vector or the output of compare


A numeric vector or the output of compare


A data.frame with the following columns:


The aggregated weight of the models in favor.


The aggregated weight of the models against.


The Bayes factor (ratio of wFor to wAgainst).

If IC_for is a data frame, a matrix with rows corresponding to each IC measure is returned.


When provided with numeric vectors, it computes the weights for the two groups by first converting the IC values into relative weights and then normalizing them. When provided with a data frame, it assumes that the data frame is the output of a call to compare and applies averaging to each IC metric


# First set up some example models (normally these would be alternative models)
samples_LNR2 <- subset(samples_LNR, length.out = 45)
samples_LNR3 <- subset(samples_LNR, length.out = 40)
samples_LNR4 <- subset(samples_LNR, length.out = 35)

# Run compare on them, BayesFactor = F is set for speed.
ICs <- compare(list(S1 = samples_LNR, S2 = samples_LNR2,
                    S3 = samples_LNR3, S4 = samples_LNR4), BayesFactor = FALSE)
#>     DIC  wDIC BPIC wBPIC EffectiveN meanD Dmean minD
#> S1 -615 0.210 -579 0.197         35  -650  -657 -686
#> S2 -615 0.223 -580 0.223         35  -650  -657 -686
#> S3 -615 0.282 -580 0.295         35  -651  -657 -686
#> S4 -615 0.285 -580 0.285         35  -651  -657 -686

# Model averaging can either be done with a vector of ICs:
model_averaging(ICs$BPIC[1:2], ICs$BPIC[2:4])
#>        wFor  wAgainst    Factor
#> 1 0.3431633 0.6568367 0.5224484

# Or the output of compare:
model_averaging(ICs[1:2,], ICs[3:4,])
#>           wFor  wAgainst    Factor
#> BPIC 0.4197186 0.5802814 0.7233018
#> DIC  0.4324931 0.5675069 0.7620930