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Returns the BPIC/DIC or marginal deviance (-2*marginal likelihood) for a list of samples objects.


  stage = "sample",
  filter = NULL,
  use_best_fit = TRUE,
  BayesFactor = TRUE,
  cores_for_props = 4,
  cores_per_prop = 1,
  print_summary = TRUE,
  digits = 0,
  digits_p = 3,



List of samples objects


A string. Specifies which stage the samples are to be taken from "preburn", "burn", "adapt", or "sample"


An integer or vector. If it's an integer, iterations up until the value set by filter will be excluded. If a vector is supplied, only the iterations in the vector will be considered.


Boolean, defaults to TRUE, uses the minimal or mean likelihood (whichever is better) in the calculation, otherwise always uses the mean likelihood.


Boolean, defaults to TRUE. Include marginal likelihoods as estimated using WARP-III bridge sampling. Usually takes a minute per model added to calculate


Integer, how many cores to use for the Bayes factor calculation, here 4 is the default for the 4 different proposal densities to evaluate, only 1, 2 and 4 are sensible.


Integer, how many cores to use for the Bayes factor calculation if you have more than 4 cores available. Cores used will be cores_for_props * cores_per_prop. Best to prioritize cores_for_props being 4 or 2


Boolean (default TRUE), print table of results


Integer, significant digits in printed table for information criteria


Integer, significant digits in printed table for model weights


Additional, optional arguments


Matrix of effective number of parameters, mean deviance, deviance of mean, DIC, BPIC, Marginal Deviance (if BayesFactor=TRUE) and associated weights.


# \donttest{
compare(list(samples_LNR), cores_for_props = 1)
#>     MD wMD  DIC wDIC BPIC wBPIC EffectiveN meanD Dmean minD
#> 1 -190   1 -615    1 -579     1         35  -650  -657 -686
# Typically we would define a list of two (or more) different models:
# # Here the full model is an emc object with the hypothesized effect
# # The null model is an emc object without the hypothesized effect
# design_full <- design(data = forstmann,model=DDM,
#                            formula =list(v~0+S,a~E, t0~1, s~1, Z~1, sv~1, SZ~1),
#                            constants=c(s=log(1)))
# # Now without a ~ E
# design_null <- design(data = forstmann,model=DDM,
#                            formula =list(v~0+S,a~1, t0~1, s~1, Z~1, sv~1, SZ~1),
#                            constants=c(s=log(1)))
# full_model <- make_emc(forstmann, design_full)
# full_model <- fit(full_model)
# null_model <- make_emc(forstmann, design_null)
# null_model <- fit(null_model)
# sList <- list(full_model, null_model)
# # By default emc uses 4 cores to parallelize marginal likelihood estimation across proposals
# # So cores_per_prop = 3 results in 12 cores used.
# compare(sList, cores_per_prop = 3)
# }