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General purpose function to estimate models specified in EMC2.


# S3 method for class 'emc'
  stage = NULL,
  iter = 1000,
  stop_criteria = NULL,
  report_time = TRUE,
  p_accept = 0.8,
  step_size = 100,
  verbose = TRUE,
  verboseProgress = FALSE,
  fileName = NULL,
  particles = NULL,
  particle_factor = 50,
  cores_per_chain = 1,
  cores_for_chains = length(emc),
  max_tries = 20,
  n_blocks = 1,

fit(emc, ...)



An emc object created with make_emc, or a path to where the emc object is stored.


A string. Indicates which stage to start the run from, either preburn, burn, adapt or sample. If unspecified, it will run the subsequent stage (if there is one).


An integer. Indicates how many iterations to run in the sampling stage.


A list. Defines the stopping criteria and for which types of parameters these should hold. See the details and examples section.


Boolean. If TRUE, the time taken to run the MCMC chains till completion of the stop_criteria will be printed.


A double. The target acceptance probability of the MCMC process. This fine-tunes the width of the search space to obtain the desired acceptance probability. Defaults to .8


An integer. After each step, the stopping requirements as specified by stop_criteria are checked and proposal distributions are updated. Defaults to 100.


Logical. Whether to print messages between each step with the current status regarding the stop_criteria.


Logical. Whether to print a progress bar within each step or not. Will print one progress bar for each chain and only if cores_for_chains = 1.


A string. If specified, will auto-save emc object at this location on every iteration.


An integer. How many particles to use, default is NULL and particle_factor is used instead. If specified, particle_factor is overwritten.


An integer. particle_factor multiplied by the square root of the number of sampled parameters determines the number of particles used.


An integer. How many cores to use per chain. Parallelizes across participant calculations. Only available on Linux or Mac OS. For Windows, only parallelization across chains (cores_for_chains) is available.


An integer. How many cores to use across chains. Defaults to the number of chains. The total number of cores used is equal to cores_per_chain * cores_for_chains.


An integer. How many times should it try to meet the finish conditions as specified by stop_criteria? Defaults to 20. max_tries is ignored if the required number of iterations has not been reached yet.


An integer. Number of blocks. Will block the parameter chains such that they are updated in blocks. This can be helpful in extremely tough models with a large number of parameters.


Additional optional arguments


An emc object


stop_criteria is either a list of lists with names of the stages, or a single list in which case its assumed to be for the sample stage (see examples). The potential stop criteria to be set are:

selection (character vector): For which parameters the stop_criteria should hold

mean_gd (numeric): The mean Gelman-Rubin diagnostic across all parameters in the selection

max_gd (numeric): The max Gelman-Rubin diagnostic across all parameters in the selection

min_unique (integer): The minimum number of unique samples in the MCMC chains across all parameters in the selection

min_es (integer): The minimum number of effective samples across all parameters in the selection

omit_mpsrf (Boolean): Whether to include the multivariate point-scale reduction factor in the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic. Default is FALSE.

iter (integer): The number of MCMC samples to collect.

The estimation is performed using particle-metropolis within-Gibbs sampling. For sampling details see:

Gunawan, D., Hawkins, G. E., Tran, M.-N., Kohn, R., & Brown, S. (2020). New estimation approaches for the hierarchical linear ballistic accumulator model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology ,96, 102368.

Stevenson, N., Donzallaz, M. C., Innes, R. J., Forstmann, B., Matzke, D., & Heathcote, A. (2024). EMC2: An R Package for cognitive models of choice.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# First define a design
design_DDMaE <- design(data = forstmann,model=DDM,
                           formula =list(v~0+S,a~E, t0~1, s~1, Z~1, sv~1, SZ~1),
# Then make the emc object, we've omitted a prior here for brevity so default priors will be used.
emc_forstmann <- make_emc(forstmann, design)

# With the emc object we can start sampling by simply calling fit
emc_forstmann <- fit(emc_forstmann, fileName = "intermediate_save_location.RData")

# For particularly hard models it pays off to increase the ``particle_factor``
# and, although to a lesser extent, lower ``p_accept``.
emc_forstmann <- fit(emc_forstmann, particle_factor = 100, p_accept = .6)

# Example of how to use the stop_criteria:
emc_forstmann <- fit(emc_forstmann, stop_criteria = list(mean_gd = 1.1, max_gd = 1.5,
            selection = c('alpha', 'sigma2'), omit_mpsrf = TRUE, min_es = 1000))
# In this case the stop_criteria are set for the sample stage, which will be
# run until the mean_gd < 1.1, the max_gd < 1.5 (omitting the multivariate psrf)
# and the effective sample size > 1000,
# for both the individual-subject parameters ("alpha")
# and the group-level variance parameters.

# For the unspecified stages in the ``stop_criteria`` the default values
# are assumed which are found in Stevenson et al. 2024 <>

# Alternatively, you can also specify the stop_criteria for specific stages by creating a
# nested list
emc_forstmann <- fit(emc_forstmann, stop_criteria = list("burn" = list(mean_gd = 1.1, max_gd = 1.5,
            selection = c('alpha')), "adapt" = list(min_unique = 100)))
} # }