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This function combines information regarding the data, type of model, and the model specification.


  formula = NULL,
  factors = NULL,
  Rlevels = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  contrasts = NULL,
  matchfun = NULL,
  constants = NULL,
  covariates = NULL,
  functions = NULL,
  report_p_vector = TRUE,
  custom_p_vector = NULL,



A list. Contains the design formulae in the format list(y ~ x, a ~ z).


A named list containing all the factor variables that span the design cells and that should be taken into account by the model. The name subjects must be used to indicate the participant factor variable, also in the data.

Example: list(subjects=levels(dat$subjects), condition=levels(dat$condition))


A character vector. Contains the response factor levels. Example: c("right", "left")


A function, specifies the model type. Choose from the drift diffusion model (DDM(), DDMt0natural()), the log-normal race model (LNR()), the linear ballistic model (LBA()), the racing diffusion model (RDM(), RDMt0natural()), or define your own model functions.


A data frame. data can be used to automatically detect factors, Rlevels and covariates in a dataset. The variable R needs to be a factor variable indicating the response variable. Any numeric column except trials and rt are treated as covariates, and all remaining factor variables are internally used in factors.


Optional. A named list specifying a design matrix. Example for supplying a customized design matrix: list(lM = matrix(c(-1/2,1/2),ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,"diff"))))


A function. Only needed for race models. Specifies whether a response was correct or not. Example: function(d)d$S==d$lR where lR refers to the latent response factor.


A named vector that sets constants. Any parameter in sampled_p_vector can be set constant.


Names of numeric covariates.


List of functions to create new factors based on those in the factors argument. These new factors can then be used in formula.


Boolean. If TRUE (default), it returns the vector of parameters to be estimated.


A character vector. If specified, a custom likelihood function can be supplied.


Additional, optional arguments


A design list.


# load example dataset
dat <- forstmann

# create a function that takes the latent response (lR) factor (d) and returns a logical
# defining the correct response for each stimulus. Here the match is simply
# such that the S factor equals the latent response factor
matchfun <- function(d)d$S==d$lR

# When working with lM and lR, it can be useful to design  an
# "average and difference" contrast matrix. For binary responses, it has a
# simple canonical form
ADmat <- matrix(c(-1/2,1/2),ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,"diff"))

# Create a design for a linear ballistic accumulator model (LBA) that allows
# thresholds to be a function of E and lR. The final result is a 9 parameter model.
design_LBABE <- design(data = dat,model=LBA,matchfun=matchfun,
#>  Sampled Parameters: 
#> [1] "v"           "v_lMdiff"    "sv_lMTRUE"   "B"           "B_Eneutral" 
#> [6] "B_Eaccuracy" "B_lRright"   "A"           "t0"         
#>  Design Matrices: 
#> $v
#>     lM v v_lMdiff
#>   TRUE 1      0.5
#>  FALSE 1     -0.5
#> $sv
#>     lM sv sv_lMTRUE
#>   TRUE  1         1
#>  FALSE  1         0
#> $B
#>         E    lR B B_Eneutral B_Eaccuracy B_lRright
#>     speed  left 1          0           0         0
#>     speed right 1          0           0         1
#>   neutral  left 1          1           0         0
#>   neutral right 1          1           0         1
#>  accuracy  left 1          0           1         0
#>  accuracy right 1          0           1         1
#> $A
#>  A
#>  1
#> $t0
#>  t0
#>   1