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Plots panels that contain a set of densities for each response option in the data. These densities are defective; their areas are relative to the respective response proportion. Across all responses, the area sums to 1.


  subject = NULL,
  factors = NULL,
  layout = NA,
  correct_fun = NULL,
  rt_pos = "top",
  accuracy = "topright",



A data frame. The experimental data in EMC2 format with at least subject (i.e., the subject factor), R (i.e., the response factor) and rt (i.e., response time) variable. Additional factor variables of the design are optional.


An integer or character string selecting a subject from the data. If specified, only that subject is plotted. Per default (i.e., NULL), all subjects are plotted.


A character vector of the factor names in the design to aggregate across Defaults to all (i.e., NULL).


A vector indicating which layout to use as in par(mfrow = layout). If NA, will automatically generate an appropriate layout.


If specified, the accuracy for each subject is calculated, using the supplied function and an accuracy vector for each subject is returned invisibly.


legend function position character string for the mean response time (defaults to top)


legend function position character string for accuracy (defaults to topright)


Optional arguments that can be passed to get_pars, density, or plot.default (see par())


If correct_fun is specified, a subject accuracy vector is returned invisibly


# First for each subject and the factor combination in the design:

# Now collapsing across subjects:
plot_defective_density(forstmann, factors = c("S", "E"))

# If the data is response coded, it generally makes sense to include the "S" factor
# because EMC2 will plot the "R" factor automatically. This way, choice accuracy can
# be examined
# Each subject's accuracy can be returned using a custom function:
print(plot_defective_density(forstmann, correct_fun = function(d) d$R == d$S))

#>      as1t      bd6t      bl1t      hsft      hsgt      kd6t      kd9t      kh6t 
#> 0.7666667 0.8386337 0.7947805 0.9375000 0.9552415 0.6855124 0.9623086 0.8661888 
#>      kmat      ku4t      na1t      rmbt      rt2t      rt3t      rt5t      scat 
#> 0.8947991 0.7207101 0.9551887 0.8652226 0.9180523 0.7520759 0.6483357 0.7926973 
#>      ta5t      vf1t      zk1t 
#> 0.9195266 0.8436754 0.8114144